Saturday, December 1, 2012

Post 2012 MAMA

They performed, gave out the Awards and now it's done.  After all the fan voting, what was the result? Let's start out with the positive.

First off, I didn't watch the whole 5 hours show but I did catch some of the ones I wanted to see.  I really enjoyed the performances by SHINee and Super Juniors.  I'm glad SHINee won the Best Dance Group Award but I think overall Super Juniors are a bit better this year.  SHINee should have won last year for Lucifer.  I'm also happy that Kara and Super Junior won for Best Global Group. 

I'm glad some of the groups I like won some of the awards (ie. Super Juniors) but I still have issues of who won the MAMAs.  

My grip?

Based on the online voting, practically most of the groups/singers that won their category did not win the award.  What. Is. With. That. HUH???  The ones that were far ahead in the lead by the online fan voting didn't win the award.  What happened to Shinhwa in Best Artist of the Year? Taeyeon for Best OST?  FTIsland in Best Band?

How the heck did BigBang out win Shinhwa in Artist of the Year? They weren't even close.  Super Junior was in second place.  And if you're going to have a board voting as well, how can you not pick Shinhwa?  In Korea, they are the group that stayed together the longest, 14 years.  The groups that started around their time are no longer around.  They didn't drop or add any new members.  After a 4 year hiatus to fulfill their military duties, they had a wonderful comeback in 2012 with Venus.

Taeyeon for Best OST was ahead by a landslide.  I didn't vote for her but how could she not have won?    Ok, so if FTIsland didn't win for best band, how come CNBlue didn't win?  They were  a close second place.  Busker Busker?  I listened to their song and I still don't understand how they won Best Band.

If the MAMAs are not going to take the fan voting into consideration then why do it in the first place?  All they are going to do if frustrate fans like me who try to vote everyday to help the groups/singers they want to win.  It just looks like they had the judges vote who they want and that was it.

And I must say, from the looks of that evening performances, whoever performed, won that night.  Somehow, for an awards show that's growing, they didn't invite all the nominees to the show.  It looks like they only invited the winners and had them perform, with the few exceptions like Adam Lambert and Roy Kim.  Did anyone see Shinhwa, FTIsland, CNBlue, SNSD or TVXQ there?  I didn't.

Next year....I don't know about participating again in the online voting.  It's so frustrating.

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